domingo, 13 de octubre de 2019

Spring, summer and now autumn with no news.
Therefore I guess what he promised to the press during that stupid conference in New York was one more of his common lies since 2000.

I can recall at least 19 announcements using the press (assuming one per year) but the total times he has lied to the press giving dates he forgotten and delayed later with no explanation are more than 60.

How do you call someone who tells a lie in press (in black and white letters) more than 60 times?
So go on and believe in his word.

viernes, 7 de junio de 2019

Jeune homme assis, les mains croisées sur les genoux” (1918), estimated at £16m-£24m. 
Sotheby’s in June.

Has been in the dark since ever and now it comes to light, I wonder the opinion of some silly experts about the ears, the eyes and the orange tone of the skin, it’s like a dream in a canvas...

What a charming surprise.

martes, 19 de febrero de 2019

For any Modigliani enthusiast this is going to be “the year”

This spring is the new dateline the French market expert gave in the press.
or maybe he didn’t...

Wayne still in silent work.
For how long?

A new group in Italy is working with I don’t know whose money and final intentions.
Sooner or later they will have to show them.

Parisot and his group are now only an Italian “issue” .
Or they are renovating the staff?

As science goes forward and the French research laboratory goes one by one, will see changes. 
Non refutable truths.

New things for summer? Or are the happy crowd will have us waiting until December?

sábado, 9 de junio de 2012

Have you seen this modigliani

Hi there, this is to inform that now there is online at some of the lost, forgotten or ignored works sold during the first half of the past century